

Packets sniffers & Network Utilities

  • Wireshark (formerly called Ethereal) , a packet sniffer application. It is used for network troubleshooting, analysis, software and communications protocol development.
  • A tarball containing a readme file and the nisnet software (with some patches) that permits to emulate a lossy link with variable delay and bandwidth

White Papers & Teaching material

Text Editor

  • Syn An open-source text editor for Windows with many advanced functionalities
  • Jedit Multi-platform text editor completely written in Java (Java Virtual Machine required)
  • WinEdt Text editor particularly suited to Latex writing (not free)


  • The MSDN Academic Alliance program allows the students to download for free (only for academic purposes) some Microsoft’s development tools. You can register for the program from here

Some hints to write research papers!

  1. A good book, worth the price Writing for Computer Science: The Art of Effective Communication, Justin Sobel, Springer 1997. This is a great book, and a bargin at $20! Accessible, easy to read, and lots of specific “words of wisdom” on good writing style in Chapters 3 and 9.
  2. This email from Jim Kurose provides good suggestions.
  1. Plenty of good suggestions here