Internet of Things
SiGLoWPAN: a novel IPv6/6LoWPAN stack for TinyOS [EXPERIMENTAL]
Type: C/NesC source code, TinyOS v2
Description: This TinyOS library is a nesC implementation of RFC4944 and RFC6282.
It introduces a novel cross-layer memory management, multiple interfaces even sharing the same 6LoWPAN component, very small ROM footprint and a clean modular design.
For further information look at:
Angelo P. Castellani, Giulio Ministeri, Marco Rotoloni, Lorenzo Vangelista, Michele Zorzi, “Interoperable and globally interconnected Smart Grid using IPv6 and 6LoWPAN”, to be presented at IEEE ICC 2012, Saconet-III Workshop (11th, June) — Ottawa, Canada.
Given still the experimental nature of the software, if you have any issue with it don’t esitate to send an e-mail at
Credits: Giulio Ministeri, Angelo P. Castellani, Mattia Gheda, Nicola Bressan, Anicet Foba Togue [SIGNET Lab]
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Squid 3.1.9 with transparent HTTP-CoAP mapping module
Type: C++ source code
Description: Squid is a caching proxy for the Web supporting HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, and more. This experimental release of Squid supports transparent mapping of incoming HTTP requests to Constrained Application Protocol, it works either in Forward mode and in Interception mode.
For further details look at draft-castellani-core-http-mapping and at Master Thesis of Simone Pinton (in Italian)
Known issues: No payload support in HTTP requests.
Credits: Simone Pinton, Mattia Gheda, Angelo P. Castellani, Nicola Bui [SIGNET Lab]
Download: SVN repository (user: guest password: guest)
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CoAP implementation for TinyOS
Type: C/NesC source code, TinyOS v2
Description: This TinyOS library is a nesC implementation of the CoAP-01 draft currently being discussed by the IETF Core working group. It is designed to handle up to COAP_MAX_TRANSACTION concurrent transactions (default: 5). The library offers two different interfaces CoAPClient and CoAPServer, to offer to other modules the client and server functionalities.
The implementation of the actual client and server functions are merged in the library to enable high code-reuse thus minimizing RAM/ROM occupation. This implementation has been tested on the telosb platform.
ROM: 2668 kB
RAM: 1801 kB (with default values)
Credits: Angelo P. Castellani, Mattia Gheda [SIGNET Lab]
Download: SVN repository (user: guest password: guest)
$ svn checkout