Research Areas
Underwater Acoustic Networks
Underwater Acoustic Networks: Performance Analysis and Protocol Design
The SIGNET group at the Information Engineering Department of the University of Padova, led by Prof. Michele Zorzi, has been active for some years now in the field of underwater communications and networking. The group features both personnel permanently allocated to the topic and temporary collaborations with students and fellows of other Universities, as well as external collaborations with private institutions. The interests of the SIGNET group are widespread, and span from realistic channel modeling to MAC protocol analysis and design, from channel allocation schemes for channel-aware FDMA to routing and broadcasting in fixed as well as mobile networks. Our activities include, but are not limited to: |
- Channel modeling: we seek compact models, encompassing peculiar underwater channel features that are not typical of radio channels, such as shadow zones, horizontal vs. vertical channel fading, spherical vs. cylindrical propagation and attenuation, etc. In addition we study how to relate environmental factors such as the geographic location, season, type of bottom sediments, surface waves patterns, etc., to channel statistics, in order to drive the design of underwater networking protocols. The models we look for should are meant to be easy enough to be incorporated into network simulators.
This task is carried out in collaboration with institutions and research centers such as the NATO CMRE, WHOI and Scripps, that can provide realistic data from undersea measurement campaigns.
- MAC protocol design and evaluation: we have been analyzing and designing a number of MAC solutions by means of stochastic models, in order to discover which features make one protocol perform better than others. Thanks to tools such as WOSS, specifically designed to provide realistic channel behaviors to simulations, we can perform network simulation in a variety of scenarios. This line of research will eventually lead to the definition of a novel protocol that should include all the best behaviors seen in other approaches.
- Routing protocol design and evaluation: routing in multihop underwater networks may turn out to be a very challenging task, as different underwater applications and tasks may require very different performance in terms of network responsiveness or communications robustness. In some cases, this may require delay-tolerant routing protocols, that work well in the presence of very long propagation delays and intermittent connectivity. Broadcasting also represent a fundamental primitive that will enable baseline (e.g., network reprogramming) as well as priority operations (e.g., alarm spreading, distress calls). We analyzed the relevant routing tradeoffs that allow, e.g., to save energy by choosing wisely which nodes will relay messages; this led to the definition of some routing paradigms that proved to work well in 2D and 3D networks. We also designed several protocols such as SUN, UDTN, UW-Polling, etc., which help manage information routing and data retrieval in generic UW networks where no knowledge of the network topology is available a priori. We are also working towards solutions that make use of some compressed knowledge of the channel gain in order to optimize multihop communications.
- Error control over underwater acoustic links: We have investigated several policies for error control in underwater networks, both over single links and in multiuser networks with multiple access interference. Our work led to the definition of an ARQ policy that reduces the in-order delivery delay over single links, to a study of Hybrid-ARQ implemented using “good” code ensembles over correlated single-link underwater channels, and to USR, a policy that emulates Selective Repeat ARQ over half-duplex underwater channels and works well in multiuser networks.
In the past, we also designed efficient broadcasting techniques based on Hybrid ARQ with a strong FEC component, in order to prevent long retransmission delays.
- Sea trials and experiments: underwater networking is known to be a challenging task, which in turn requires to demonstrate networking protocols and solutions at-sea before claiming that they actually work. In order to make this task easier and to reduce the protocol design-to-experimentation delay, we have designed an interface which makes it possible to reuse network simulator code for at-sea experiments. This interface is becoming more mature by the day, in order to support different modems and network architectures, which yield most diverse requirements in terms of bit rate, MTU, frequency, and language to interface with the modem. Our interface is part of the DESERT Underwater libraries, a full solution for simulation and experimentation of underwater network protocols.
Projects recently completed
The underwarter acoustic networks group is currently involved in several efforts funded by major institutions worldwide. These efforts are typically in the form of 3- to 4-year projects involving up to 10 partners. The three major ongoing projects are:
The goal of the CLAM project is to develop a collaborative embedded monitoring and control platform for surveillance of underwater equipment. This objective is being pursued by combining cutting edge acoustic vector sensor technology, 1D, 2D, and 3D sensor arrays, underwater wireless sensor networks protocol design, advanced techniques for acoustic communication, new solutions for collaborative situation-aware reasoning and distributed data and signal processing and control for linear sensor arrays. |
The main objective of the NAUTILUS project is to provide a comprehensive study of the technical issues related to the realization of underwater telerobotics, on which a system concept can be based. Specifically, the major outcome of the NAUTILUS project will be a complete solution for a communications and networking architecture for an underwater sensing, monitoring and exploration system comprising intelligent robots that need to perform collaborative missions. The main areas of research addressed will include underwater channel models, efficient acoustic communications, networking protocols (multiple access, routing, transport), and cross-layer protocol design. | |
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Robust Acoustic Communications for Underwater Networks (RACUN) is a 4-year effort funded under the umbrella of the European Defence Agency. It involves underwater communication and networking technologies in support of several applications related to safety in operational environment, including establishing and maintaining a safe operating area, forward reconnaissance, underwater surveying using multiple AUVs and general-purpose communications. These objectives will be achieved by special-purpose reconfigurable modem design and by developing protocols for underwater channel access, routing and error control. The outcome of the project will be demonstrated using a heterogeneous network of several nodes including 2 mobile AUVs. RACUN does not have a public web site, but its concept is described in a paper appeared at IEEE/OES OCEANS 2011 Santander. The paper can be downloaded here . |
Further efforts include collaborations with the IMDEA Networks Institute, the University of Haifa, the NATO STO CMRE and the Scripps Institution of Oceanography. Past collaborations with Scripps and WHOI were funded by the US NSF and ONR. A collaboration with JHUAPL and a collaboration with SPAWAR have also been also funded by ONR.
People mainly involved
Federico Favaro |
Federico Guerra ![]() |
Filippo Campagnaro ![]() |
Roberto Francescon ![]() |
Alberto Signori ![]() |
Former group members
Paolo Casari |
Giovanni Toso |
Ivano Calabrese |
Roee Diamant ![]() |
Samar Kaddouri ![]() |
Cristiano Tapparello |
Riccardo Masiero |
Loris Brolo |
Beatrice Tomasi |
Md. Saiful Azad ![]() |
Talks and lectures
Full list of published papers (from most recent)
# | Authors | Title | Venue | |
95. | Filippo Campagnaro, Paolo Casari, Michele Zorzi, Roee Diamant | Optimal Transmission Scheduling in Small Multimodal Underwater Networks | IEEE Wireless Communication Letter 2018 | |
94. | Emanuele Coccolo, Filippo Campagnaro Alberto Signori, Federico Favaro, Michele Zorzi | Implementation of AUV and Ship Noise for Link Quality Evaluation in the DESERT Underwater | ACM WUWNet 2018 | |
93. | Alberto Signori, Filippo Campagnaro, Michele Zorzi | Modeling the Performance of Optical Modems in the DESERT Underwater Network Simulator | IEEE Ucomms 2018 | |
92. | Filippo Campagnaro, Roberto Francescon, Davide Tronchin, Michele Zorzi | On the Feasibility of Video Streaming through Underwater Acoustic Links | IEEE Ucomms 2018 | |
91. | William Rizzo, Alberto Signori, Filippo Campagnaro, Michele Zorzi | AUVs Telemetry Range Extension through a Multimodal Underwater Acoustic Network | MTS/IEEE Oceans18 Charleston | |
90. | Alberto Signori, Filippo Campagnaro, Michele Zorzi | Multi-Hop Range Extension of a Wireless Remote Control for Underwater Vehicles | MTS/IEEE Oceans18 Kobe | |
89. | Roee Diamant, Paolo Casari, Filippo Campagnaro, Oleksiy Kebkal, Veronika Kebkal, Michele Zorzi | Fair and Throughput-Optimal Routing in Multimodal Underwater Networks | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS | |
88. | Roee Diamant, Paolo Casari, Filippo Campagnaro, Michele Zorzi | Routing in Multi-Modal Underwater Networks: a Throughput-optimal Approach | INFOCOMM 2017 | |
87. | Roee Diamant, Filippo Campagnaro, Michele De Filippo De Grazia, Paolo Casari, Alberto Testolin, Violeta Sanjuan Calzado, Michele Zorzi | On the Relationship between the Underwater Acoustic and Optical Channels | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS | |
86. | Filippo Campagnaro, Roberto Francescon, Paolo Casari, Roee Diamant and Michele Zorzi | Multimodal Underwater Networks: Recent Advances and a Look Ahead | WUWNet17 | |
85. | Filippo Campagnaro, Roberto Francescon, Oleksiy Kebkal, Paolo Casari, Konstantin Kebka and Michele Zorzi | Full Reconfiguration of Underwater Acoustic Networks through Low-Level Physical Layer Access | WUWNet17 | |
84. | Roee Diamant, Filippo Campagnaro, Shlomo Dahan, Roberto Francescon and Michele Zorzi | DEVELOPMENT OF A SUBMERGED HUB FOR MONITORING THE DEEP SEA | UACE2017 | |
83. | Roee Diamant, Filippo Campagnaro, Michele De Filippo de Grazia, Alberto Testolin, Violeta Sanjuan Calzado, Michele Zorzi and Paolo Casari, | EXPLORING THE STATISTICAL RELATION BETWEEN THE UNDERWATER ACOUSTIC AND OPTICAL CHANNELS | UACE2017 | |
82. | Roee Diamant, Paolo Casari, Filippo Campagnaro, and Michele Zorzi | Leveraging the Near–Far Effect for Improved Spatial-Reuse Scheduling in Underwater Acoustic Networks | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS | |
81. | Filippo Campagnaro, Matteo Calore, Paolo Casari, Violeta Sanjuan Calzado, Giacomo Cupertino, Claudio Moriconi, Michele Zorzi | Measurement-based Simulation of Underwater Optical Networks | Oceans 2017 Aberdeen | |
80. | Francesca Meneghello, Filippo Campagnaro, Roee Diamant, Paolo Casari, Michele Zorzi | Design and Evaluation of a Low-Cost Acoustic Chamber for Underwater Networking Experiments | WUWNet 2016 | |
79. | Filippo Campagnaro, Roberto Francescon, Federico Guerra, Federico Favaro, Paolo Casari, Roee Diamant, Michele Zorzi | The DESERT Underwater Framework v2: Improved Capabilities and Extension Tools | Ucomms 2016 | |
78. | Filippo Campagnaro, Federico Guerra, Paolo Casari, Roee Diamant, Michele Zorzi | Implementation of a Multi-modal Acoustic-Optical Underwater Network Protocol Stack | Oceans 2016 Shanghai | |
77. | Roee Diamant, Ryan Kastner, and Michele Zorzi | Detection and Time-of-Arrival Estimation of Underwater Acoustic Signals | SPAWC 16 | |
76. | Roee Diamant, Paolo Casari, Michele Zorzi | A TDMA-based MAC Protocol Exploiting the Near-Far Effect in Underwater Acoustic Networks | Oceans 2016 Shanghai | |
75. | Roee Diamant, Paolo Casari, Filippo Campagnaro, Michele Zorzi | A Handshake-based Protocol Exploiting the Near-Far Effect in Underwater Acoustic Networks | IEEE Wireless Communications Letters | |
74. | Filippo Campagnaro, Federico Guerra, Federico Favaro, Violeta Sanjuan Calzado, Pedro Forero, Michele Zorzi, Paolo Casari | Simulation of a Multimodal Wireless Remote Control System for Underwater Vehicles | WUWNet 2015 Washington DC | |
73. | Filippo Campagnaro, Federico Favaro, Federico Guerra, Violeta Sanjuan Calzado, Michele Zorzi, Paolo Casari | Simulation of Multimodal Optical and Acoustic Communications in Underwater Networks | Oceans 2015 Genova | |
72. | Saiful Azad, Paolo Casari, Khandekar Tabin Hasan, Michele Zorzi | MACA-APT: A MACA-based Adaptive Packet Train transmission protocol for Underwater Acoustic Networks | WUWNET 2014 | |
71. | Pedro A. Forero, Stephan K. Lapic, Cherry Wakayama, Michele Zorzi | Rollout Algorithms for Data Storage- and Energy-Aware Data Retrieval Using Autonomous Underwater Vehicles | WUWNET 2014 | |
70. | Filippo Campagnaro, Paolo Casari, Federico Favaro, Michele Zorzi | On the Feasibility of Fully Wireless Remote Control for Underwater Vehicles | Asilomar SS&C 2014 | |
69. | Paolo Casari, Cristiano Tapparello, Federico Guerra, Federico Favaro, Ivano Calabrese, Giovanni Toso, Saiful Azad, Riccardo Masiero, Michele Zorzi | Open-source Suites for the Underwater Networking Community: WOSS and DESERT Underwater | IEEE Network SI “Open source for networking,” 2014 |
68. | Giovanni Toso, Ivano Calabrese, Federico Favaro, Loris Brolo, Paolo Casari, Michele Zorzi | Testing Network Protocols via the DESERT Underwater Framework: the CommsNet’13 Experience | OCEANS 2014 St. John’s | |
67. | Giovanni Toso, Paolo Casari, Michele Zorzi | The Effect of Different Attenuation Models on the Performance of Routing in Shallow-Water Networks | UCOMMS 2014 | |
66. | Beatrice Tomasi, Paolo Casari, Leonardo Badia, Michele Zorzi | Cross-layer analysis via Markov models of incremental redundancy hybrid ARQ over underwater acoustic channels (corrected proof) |
Elsevier Ad Hoc Networks 2014 | |
65. | Saiful Azad, Paolo Casari, Michele Zorzi | Multipath Routing with Limited Cross-Path Interference in Underwater Networks (authors’ camera-ready) |
IEEE WCL 2014 | |
64. | Giovanni Toso, Ivano Calabrese, Paolo Casari, Michele Zorzi | RECORDS: a Remote Control Framework for Underwater Networks | Med-Hoc-Net 2014 | |
63. | Cristiano Tapparello, Paolo Casari, Giovanni Toso, Ivano Calabrese, Roald Otnes, Paul van Walree, Michael Goetz, Ivor Nissen, Michele Zorzi | Performance Evaluation of Forwarding Protocols for the RACUN Network | WUWNet 2013 | |
62. | Beatrice Tomasi, Giovanni Toso, Paolo Casari, Michele Zorzi | Impact of Time-Varying Underwater Acoustic Channels on the Performance of Routing Protocols (approved proof version) | IEEE JOE SI Oct. 2013 | |
61. | Federico Favaro, Loris Brolo, Giovanni Toso, Paolo Casari, Michele Zorzi | A Study on Remote Data Retrieval Strategies in Underwater Acoustic Networks | OCEANS 2013 San Diego | |
60. | Saiful Azad, Paolo Casari, Michele Zorzi | The Underwater Selective Repeat Error Control Protocol for Multiuser Acoustic Networks: Design and Parameter Optimization (approved proof version) | IEEE TWireless 2013 | |
59. | Beatrice Tomasi, Giovanni Toso, Paolo Casari, Michele Zorzi | On the Impact of Time-varying Acoustic Channels on Routing Protocols for Underwater Networks | UCOMMS 2012 | |
58. | Paolo Casari, Daniele Spaccini, Giovanni Toso, Beatrice Tomasi, Roberto Petroccia, Chiara Petrioli, Michele Zorzi | A Study on Channel Dynamics Representation and its Effects on the Performance of Routing in Underwater Networks | Asilomar SS&C 2012 | |
57. | Kostas Stamatiou, Paolo Casari, Michele Zorzi | The Throughput of Underwater Networks: Analysis and Validation using a Ray Tracing Simulator (pre-proof author version) | IEEE TWireless | |
56. | Riccardo Masiero, Giovanni Toso, Paolo Casari, Oleksiy Kebkal, Maksym Komar, Michele Zorzi | Demo Abstract: A Master/Slave Approach to Command Acoustic Modems during Underwater Networking Sea Trials | WUWNet 2012 Los Angeles | |
55. | Beatrice Tomasi, Daniele Munaretto, James C. Preisig, Michele Zorzi | Realtime Redundancy Allocation for Time-Varying Underwater Acoustic Channels | WUWNet 2012 Los Angeles | |
54. | El Hadi Cherkaoui, Saiful Azad, Paolo Casari, Laura Toni, Nazim Agoulmine, Michele Zorzi | Packet Error Recovery via Multipath Routing and Reed-Solomon Codes in Underwater Networks | Oceans 2012 Hampton Roads | |
53. | Ivano Calabrese, Riccardo Masiero, Paolo Casari, Lorenzo Vangelista, Michele Zorzi | Embedded Systems for Prototyping Underwater Acoustic Networks: the DESERT Underwater Libraries on board the PandaBoard and NetDCU | Oceans 2012 Hampton Roads | |
52. | Giovanni Toso, Riccardo Masiero, Paolo Casari, Oleksiy Kebkal, Maksym Komar, Michele Zorzi | Field Experiments for Dynamic Source Routing: S2C EvoLogics modems run the SUN protocol using the DESERT Underwater libraries | Oceans 2012 Hampton Roads | |
51. | Matteo Lazzarin, Paolo Casari, Michele Zorzi | Endowing Underwater Networks with Channel Awareness: a discussion on computational complexity and information size issues | ECUA 2012 Edinburgh | |
50. | Riccardo Masiero, Saiful Azad, Federico Favaro, Matteo Petrani, Giovanni Toso, Federico Guerra, Paolo Casari, Michele Zorzi | DESERT Underwater: an NS–Miracle-based framework to DEsign, Simulate, Emulate and Realize Test-beds for Underwater network protocols | Oceans 2012 Yeosu | |
49. | Saiful Azad, Paolo Casari, Michele Zorzi | Coastal Patrol and Surveillance Networks using AUVs and Delay-Tolerant Networking | Oceans 2012 Yeosu | |
48. | Beatrice Tomasi, James Preisig, Michele Zorzi | On the Spatial Correlation in Shallow Water and its Impact on Networking Protocols | Oceans 2012 Yeosu | |
47. | Davide Zennaro, Beatrice Tomasi, Lorenzo Vangelista, Michele Zorzi | Light-Sync: a Low Overhead Synchronization Algorithm for Underwater Acoustic Networks | Oceans 2012 Yeosu | |
46. | Federico Favaro, Paolo Casari, Federico Guerra, Michele Zorzi | Data Upload from a Static Underwater Network to an AUV: Polling or Random Access? | Oceans 2012 Yeosu | |
45. | Roald Otnes, Alfred Asterjadhi, Paolo Casari, Michael Goetz, Thor Husøy, Ivor Nissen, Knut Rimstad, Paul van Walree, Michele Zorzi | Underwater acoustic networking techniques | SpringerBriefs in Electrical and Computer Engineering | |
44. | John Heidemann, Milica Stojanovic, Michele Zorzi | Underwater Sensor Networks: Applications, Advances, and Challenges | Phil. Trans. of the Royal Society 2012 | |
43. | Kostas Stamatiou, Paolo Casari, Michele Zorzi | Throughput and transmission capacity of underwater networks with randomly distributed nodes | Globecom 2011, Houston, TX | |
42. | Beatrice Tomasi, James Preisig, Michele Zorzi | On the predictability of underwater acoustic communications performance: the KAM11 data set as a case study | WUWNet 2011, Seattle, WA | |
41. | Beatrice Tomasi, Laura Toni, Paolo Casari, James Preisig, Michele Zorzi | A study on the SPIHT image coding technique for underwater acoustic communications | WUWNet 2011, Seattle, WA | |
40. | Federico Favaro, Saiful Azad, Federico Guerra, Paolo Casari, Michele Zorzi | On the Performance of Unsynchronized Distributed MAC Protocols in Deep Water Acoustic Networks | WUWNet 2011, Seattle, WA | |
39. | Michael Goetz, Saiful Azad, Paolo Casari, Ivor Nissen, Michele Zorzi | Jamming-Resistant Multi-path Routing for Reliable Intruder Detection in Underwater Networks | WUWNet 2011, Seattle, WA | |
38. | Nicolò Michelusi, Urbashi Mitra, Andreas Molisch, Michele Zorzi | Hybrid Sparse/Diffuse Channels: a New Model and Estimators for Wideband Channels | Allerton 2011 UIUC | |
37. | Paolo Casari, Alfred Asterjadhi, Michele Zorzi | On Channel Aware Routing Policies in Shallow Water Acoustic Networks | Oceans 2011 Hawaii | |
36. | Nicolò Michelusi, Beatrice Tomasi, Urbashi Mitra, James Preisig, Michele Zorzi | An Evaluation of the Hybrid Sparse-Diffuse Algorithm for Underwater Acoustic Channel Estimation | Oceans 2011 Hawaii | |
35. | Riccardo Masiero, Paolo Casari, Michele Zorzi | The NAUTILUS project: Physical Parameters, Architectures and Network Scenarios | Oceans 2011 Hawaii | |
34. | Paolo Casari, Michele Zorzi | Protocol Design Issues in Underwater Acoustic Networks | Elsevier Computer Communications 2011 | |
33. | Beatrice Tomasi, James Preisig, Michele Zorzi | A Study on the Wide-Sense Stationarity of the Underwater Channel for Coherent Systems | UAM 2011 | |
32. | Paolo Casari, Beatrice Tomasi, Konstantinos Pelekanakis, Mandar Chitre, Michele Zorzi | Performance Evaluation of SNR Prediction Schemes in Acoustic Communication Systems using Variable-Rate Modulation | UAM 2011 | |
31. | Nirvana Meratnia, Paul Havinga, Paolo Casari, Chiara Petrioli, Knut Grythe, Thor Husoy, Michele Zorzi | CLAM: Collaborative Embedded Networks for Submarine Surveillance | Oceans 2011 Santander | |
30. | Muhammad Sajjadur Rahim, Paolo Casari, Federico Guerra, Michele Zorzi | On the Performance of Delay-Tolerant Routing Protocols in Underwater Networks | Oceans 2011 Santander | |
29. | Saiful Azad, Paolo Casari, Federico Guerra, Michele Zorzi | On ARQ Strategies over Random Access Protocols in Underwater Acoustic Networks | Oceans 2011 Santander | |
28. | Saiful Azad, Paolo Casari, Chiara Petrioli, Roberto Petroccia, Michele Zorzi | On the Impact of the Environment on MAC and Routing in Shallow Water Scenarios | Oceans 2011 Santander | |
27. | Beatrice Tomasi, James Preisig, Michele Zorzi | A Study on the Wide-Sense Stationarity of the Underwater Acoustic Channel for Non-coherent Communication Systems | European Wireless 2011 | |
26. | Josep-Miquel Jornet Montaña, Milica Stojanovic, Michele Zorzi | On Joint Frequency and Power Allocation in a Cross-Layer Protocol for Underwater Acoustic Networks | JOE 2010 | |
25. | Beatrice Tomasi, Paolo Casari, Lorenzo Finesso, Giovanni Zappa, Kim McCoy, Michele Zorzi | On Modeling JANUS Packet Errors over a Shallow Water Acoustic Channel using Markov and Hidden Markov Models | MILCOM 2010, San Jose | |
24. | Beatrice Tomasi, Paolo Casari, Leonardo Badia, Michele Zorzi | A Study of Incremental Redundancy Hybrid ARQ over Markov Channel Models Derived from Experimental Data | WUWNet 2010, Woods Hole | |
23. | Beatrice Tomasi, Laura Toni, Paolo Casari, Lorenzo Rossi, Michele Zorzi | Performance Study of Variable-Rate Modulation for Underwater Communications based on Experimental Data | Oceans 2010, Seattle | |
22. | Federico Guerra, Paolo Casari, Alessandro Berni, John R. Potter, Michele Zorzi | Performance Evaluation of Random and Handshake-Based Channel Access in Collaborative Mobile Underwater Networks | Oceans 2010, Seattle | |
21. | Beatrice Tomasi, Giovanni Zappa, Kim McCoy, Paolo Casari, Michele Zorzi | Experimental Study of the Space-Time Properties of Acoustic Channels for Underwater Communications | Oceans 2010, Sydney | |
20. | Albert F. Harris III, Milica Stojanovic, Michele Zorzi | Idle-time energy savings through wake-up modes in underwater acoustic networks | Ad Hoc Networks 2009 | |
19. | Federico Guerra, Paolo Casari, Michele Zorzi | World Ocean Simulation System (WOSS): a simulation tool for underwater networks with realistic propagation modeling | WUWNet 2009 | |
18. | Federico Guerra, Paolo Casari, Michele Zorzi | A performance comparison of MAC protocols for underwater networks using a realistic channel simulator | Oceans 2009 | |
17. | Federico Guerra, Paolo Casari, Michele Zorzi | MAC protocols for monitoring and event detection in underwater networks employing a FH-BFSK physical layer | UAM 2009 | |
16. | Leonardo Badia, Paolo Casari, Marco Levorato, Michele Zorzi | Analysis of an automatic repeat request scheme addressing long delay channels | WUnderNet 2008 | |
15. | Michele Zorzi, Paolo Casari, Nicola Baldo, Albert F. Harris III | Energy-efficient routing schemes for underwater acoustic networks | JSAC, Dec. 2008 | |
14. | Josep Miquel Jornet Montana, Milica Stojanovic, Michele Zorzi | Focused Beam Routing protocol for Underwater Acoustic Networks | WUWNet 2008 | |
13. | Paolo Casari, Michele Rossi, Michele Zorzi | Fountain Codes and their Application to Broadcasting in Underwater Networks: Performance Modeling and Relevant Tradeoffs | WUWNet 2008 | |
12. | Paolo Casari, Beatrice Tomasi, Michele Zorzi | A Comparison Between the Tone-Lohi and Slotted FAMA MAC Protocols for Underwater Networks | Oceans 2008 | |
11. | Nicola Baldo, Paolo Casari, Paolo Casciaro, Michele Zorzi | Effective Heuristics for Flexible Spectrum Access in Underwater Acoustic Networks | Oceans 2008 | |
10. | Nicola Baldo, Paolo Casari, Michele Zorzi | Cognitive Spectrum Access for Underwater Acoustic Communications | ICC CogNet 2008 | |
9. | Paolo Casari, Michele Rossi, Michele Zorzi | Towards Optimal Broadcasting Policies for HARQ based on Fountain Codes in Underwater Networks | WONS 2008 | |
8. | Paolo Casari, Albert F. Harris III | Energy-efficient Reliable Broadcast in Underwater Acoustic Networks | WUWNet 2007 | |
7. | Albert F. Harris III, Michele Zorzi | Modeling the Underwater Acoustic Channel in ns2 | NSTools 2007 | |
6. | Albert F. Harris III, Davide G. B. Meneghetti, Michele Zorzi | Maximizing Channel Utilization for Underwater Acoustic Links | Oceans 2007 | |
5. | Paolo Casari, Stefano Marella, Michele Zorzi | A Comparison of Multiple Access Techniques in Clustered Underwater Acoustic Networks | Oceans 2007 | |
4. | Paolo Casari, Fabio E. Lapiccirella, Michele Zorzi | A Detailed Simulation Study of the UWAN-MAC Protocol for Underwater Acoustic Networks | Oceans 2007 | |
3. | Paolo Casari, Milica Stojanovic, Michele Zorzi | Exploiting the Bandwidth-Distance Relationship in Underwater Acoustic Networks | Oceans 2007 | |
2. | Albert F. Harris III, Milica Stojanovic, Michele Zorzi | Why Underwater Acoustic Nodes Should Sleep With One Eye Open: Idle-time Power Management In Underwater Sensor Networks | WUWNet 2006 | |
1. | Leonardo Badia, Michele Mastrogiovanni, Chiara Petrioli, Stamatis Stefanakos, Michele Zorzi | An Optimization Framework for Joint Sensor Deployment, Link Scheduling and Routing in Underwater Sensor Networks | WUWNet 2006 |